Juan Carlos Castro Analuiza
Doctor of Business Sciences,
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain
Universidad Técnica de Ambato

Pedro Jesús Guamán Bravo
Master in Business Administration from the
Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador
Independent researcher

Carmen de Pablos Heredero
Ph. D. in Economic and Business Sciences,
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Para citar el artículo: Castro, J., Guamán, P. J, De Pablos, C. (2024). Image cognitive component from the perspective of competitive identity in Salcedo-Ecuador. Turismo y Sociedad, XXXV, pp. 89-106. DOI:

Fecha de recepción: 30 de agosto de 2022 Fecha de modificación: 29 de septiembre de 2022 Fecha de aceptación: 7 de octubre de 2023


The significant contribution of the image, together with the competing identity between destinations, justifies the analysis of the cognitive component and the competitive identity of the brand from the perspective of visitors and residents. Visitors and residents were selected through non-probabilistic quota sampling, by mans of the stratified method of proportional affiliation. A sample of 261 visitors and 337 residents was established, who were in the city of Salcedo. After empirical research, the quality of the components of the image and the correlations of the latent variables are analyzed. The relationship between the cognitive component and the dimension of competitive identity is also structured. In addition, it is identified whether residents have a better perception of the image and the brand than visitors. Finally, it is explained that the two groups have positive and consistent influence of the cognitive component of the image on the dimensions of the competitive identity of their brand, this shows promotion as a fundamental element when the perceived image of the city designs strategies aimed at establishing a mark.

Keywords: cognitive component, destination image, competitive identity.


La contribución significativa de la imagen, junto con la identidad competida entre los destinos, justifica el análisis del componente cognitivo y la identidad competitiva de la marca desde la perspectiva de los visitantes y los residentes. Visitantes y residentes fueron seleccionados por medio de un muestreo no probabilístico por cuotas mediante el método estratificado de afijación proporcional. Se estableció una muestra de 261 visitantes y 337 residentes, quienes se encontraban en la ciudad de Salcedo. Tras una investigación empírica, se analizan la calidad de los componentes de la imagen y las correlaciones de las variables latentes; también se estructura la relación entre el componente cognitivo y las dimensiones de la identidad competitiva; además, se identifica si los residentes tienen una mejor percepción de la imagen y de la marca que los visitantes. Finalmente, se expone que los dos grupos tienen influencia positiva y consistente del componente cognitivo de la imagen sobre las dimensiones de la identidad competitiva de su marca, esto evidencia la promoción como un elemento fundamental cuando la imagen percibida de la ciudad diseña estrategias orientadas a establecer una marca.

Palabras clave: componente cognitivo, imagen destino, identidad competitiva.

1. Introduction

Most of the studies on the formation of the image have been analyzed from the perspective of its visitors without taking the point of view of the residents, resulting in contradictions in the image projected by a destination (Xu et al., 2018). The study of the image has become a management element, which allows economic development, the exploration of the residents' perceptions, and, above all, the construction of the organic image (word-of-mouth communication) as the main support of the inorganic image to strengthen the economy and the efforts of a tourist destination (Azeglio, 2016; Dogra & Karri, 2021; Gómez et al., 2013).

Added to this dynamic of the destination image is the geographical distance between the city of visitor's residence and the destination, cultural origin, which can condition the perceived image Galarza, Gil y Calderón (cited by Azeglio, 2016; Beltrán-Bueno & Parra-Meroño, 2016; Navalón-García, 2015) and become a filter that affects behavior (Malvica et al., 2022). However, visitors with a short cultural distance are motivated by attractions from other origins, while, from the point of view of their image, a nearby destination is perceived as less risky and more familiar (Azeglio, 2016; Suárez, 2012; Toubes & Domínguez, 2019).

In this dynamic of destination image, the perspective of residents and visitors are presented under two factors: the cognitive-emotional relationship and the experience; that is, the closer the person is to the destination, the better the characteristics are evaluated, and it causes residents to identify more with the destination than visitors (Cardona, 2012; Gómez et al., 2013). Having limited information, visitors base their visit decision on the image they possess, but in certain exceptions, the image is proportional to the distance that separates a visitor from a place (Azeglio, 2016).

It becomes clear that the destination image has a significant scope within the tourism sector, capturing the need to know more precisely its nature and its components closely related to the motivations and benefits sought by visitors in the choice of place, considering the following main research objective: analyze the destination image by exploring the competitive identity under the perspective of the cultural distance between visitors and residents in the city of Salcedo-Ecuador.

In this context, it is important to anticipate some practical implications of this research, supported by sources of differentiation and competitive advantage, a destination should specialize in activities where it has the most advantage, given the conditions and differentiated possession of factors such as a commercial pattern of interaction of all components possessed by the destination.

Furthermore, the interaction from the cognitive-emotional dimensions and experience, understanding the multidimensional nature that involves the formation of the image, supported from the perspective of residents and their impressions for the construction of the organic image, and from the perspective of visitors from the cultural background could condition the perceived image and affect their behavior.

After this introduction, the structure of this research is revealed, and in the first stage a thorough review of the literature is proposed, where a deep exploration of the variables is manifested; also uses a proven methodology, which rigorously satisfies the main objective of the study; to this the approach of the results that are related to the objectives proposed in the research and represent a contribution of the findings that will be explain in the discussion is added.

After this introduction, the structure of this research is revealed, and in the first stage an exhaustive review of the literature is proposed, where a deep exploration of the variables is shown. Moreover, a proven methodology is used, which rigorously satisfies the main objective of the study; to this the approach of the results that are related to the objectives proposed in the research and represent a contribution of the findings will be added in the discussion. To end, the final conclusions are presented, showing the main findings of this work as an academic and business contribution to the tourism sector regarding the image of the destination and its involvement in cultural distance.

2. Literature Review

2.1. Components of the Destination Image

The image of the destination is a dynamic concept that depends on time, space, and simplification of reality, as well as its reliable representation (Azeglio, 2016; Castro et al., 2020; Suárez, 2012). This scope shows how the perceived image is relevant to the visitor's behavior that can condition the selection of the destination o (Azeglio, 2016; Folgado-Fernández et al., 2013; Gómez et al., 2013), under the mental representation, perception, impression, used to conceptualize the tourist image (Castillo-Palacio & Castaño-Molina, 2015; Picazo & Moreno-Gil, 2019; San Martín & Rodríguez, 2008).

Three approaches are proposed for the evaluation of the destination image: 1) perceptual-cognitive, which values the attributes of the destination, 2) affective perspective, which internalizes the feelings or emotions that the place arouses; and 3) global approach or the general impression. These three scenarios evoke historical, political, economic, and social information, which is identified in the relevant components for the visitor and, are used as strategic elements for the destination (Azeglio, 2016; Olguín et al., 2015; Suárez, 2012).

2.2. City Branding and its Impact on Tourist Destination

The destination image must be understood as a concept of a multidimensional nature, supported by the interpretation and interaction of holistic, functional attributes, psychological and common-unique components. They are involved in the determination of a city branding as axes for marketing and its promotional campaigns that reflect the cohesion of city-resident-tourist to establish the reputation desired by the destinations (Arb et al., 2014; Merrilees et al., 2009; Sevin, 2014).

Connectivity between destinations has generated a drive to attract tourists, investments, talent, and fame (Anholt, 2008; Braun et al., 2013), which has led to the adoption of business measures to place the name of the city, stimulated by concepts that visitors evoke to highlight the nature and scope of the destination (Castillo-Villar, 2016; Fetscherin, 2010; Sevin, 2014).

In the 1990s, cities began to apply brand strategies (De Carlo et al., 2009; Valenzuela, 2015) based on tangible and intangible elements that were potentially perceived (Ekinci & Hosany, 2006; Falcón, 2017).as a result of the global image of a destination and the construction of positive images that identify and distinguish the destination (Arb et al., 2014; Fetscherin, 2010; Olguín et al., 2015).

In this context, city branding seeks to create positive attitudes and perceptions (Beerli et al., 2017; Fetscherin, 2010), which build brand value (Olguín et al., 2015) for its development. However, the exploration of the city brand is complex, due to its different levels, components and disciplines which are structured and coexist in the competitive identity (Castillo-Palacio & Castaño-Molina, 2015; Pongsakornrungsilp et al., 2021).

2.3. Competitive Identity of City Branding

For the evaluation of the destination brand image, several indexes have been created; among them, the Anholt City Brand Index (Anholt, 2006) relates identity, politics, and economy (Castillo-Palacio & Castaño-Molina, 2015), structured in human aspects and in the tourist attraction (Kornberger & Carter, 2010) as a visible and measurable axis in what was previously only assumed.

This index was created in 2005 by Simon Anholt (Sevin, 2014) in collaboration with GfK Roper Public Affair & Media (Popescu & Corbos, 2009), showing data from 10,306 participants from 20 countries (Fetscherin, 2010; Kornberger & Carter, 2010) who were consulted regarding perceptions about the image of a destination. The survey has 40 questions organized in six dimensions: presence, place, potential, pulse, people, and prerequisites (Castillo-Palacio & Castaño-Molina, 2015; Fetscherin, 2010; Sevin, 2014;).

Presence refers to prestige and international position, that is, the familiarity of people with the destination (Popescu & Corbos, 2009). The place explores people's perceptions about the physical aspects of the destination (Anholt, 2006). Regarding the potential, it examines economic aspects, education, business, and opportunities for immigrants (Regalado et al., 2012).

Regarding the pulse, it is inquired if it is easy to find interesting activities to do (Anholt, 2006; Papp-Váry, 2011), and the lifestyle (Kornberger & Carter, 2010) is evaluated as well as the interesting activities configured under the tangible and intangible attributes from the emotional point of view. The dimension of people implies the relationship between visitors-residents and the way to fit into the local culture (Anholt, 2006; Papp-Váry, 2011). Finally, in the prerequisites, the available basic services at the destination are explored (Sevin, 2014).

As presented in the conceptual framework, it is gathered that the destination image has a significant scope in tourism and motivates the need to know more precisely its nature and the related components of the destination image and competitive identity under the vision of visitors and residents at the time of choosing a place. In general, several studies have focused on exploring the common, holistic and unique components of the image; however, this research seeks to justify with a greater investigative effort the following objective: to analyze the cognitive component of the city image from the competitive identity perspective from visitors and residents in the city of Salcedo-Ecuador.

This measurement of the destination image is collected from the exploration of the bipolar dimensions of the cognitive component of the image and the competitive identity of the brand. This global impression and the set of its impressions are represented by visitors' and residents' perceptions about a destination (Azeglio, 2016; Batista et al., 2021; Kastenholz, 2010; Moreno et al., 2012; Suárez, 2012), and from a set of attributes such as an emotional bond, which underpins the affective part of the visit decision and affects the cognitive part (Anholt, 2008; Kornberger & Carter, 2010), generating an overall attitude towards the destination.

This allows the city brand as a perceived image to be the management means that creates a system focused on the identity and the distinctive characteristics of the destination (Sevin, 2014) that allows knowing the influence of the perceived image on the competitive identity, known as the city brand (Castillo-Palacio & Castaño-Molina, 2015).

In this context, it is intended to verify if the cognitive component of the perceived city image of Salcedo can be used to determine the six dimensions of the competitive identity of its brand, considering the first hypothesis: H1. There is a positive causal relationship between the cognitive component of Salcedo's perceived image and the dimensions of its brand's competitive identity.

In the literature review, it is discovered that the greater the distance between the visitor and destination, the less differentiated and more distorted from reality the image perception that the visitor has of the place, and the smaller the distance, the more favorable the image is (Azeglio, 2016; Suárez, 2012). In the latter case, the level of reliability towards the destination is also higher (San Martín & Rodríguez, 2008).

Based on these criteria, residents would present a more positive image of the city than visitors; possibly the only exception would be in the case of security since residents perceive greater insecurity than visitors (Gómez et al., 2013). This approach goes into the cultural distance, given that a far-off destination presents a more distorted and less favorable perceived image. In addition, the commitment that residents have to their city allows them to better evaluate the characteristics; therefore, based on these precepts, the following hypotheses are proposed: H2. Salcedo residents have a better perception of the perceived image of the city of Salcedo than visitors and H3. Salcedo residents have a better perception of the Salcedo city brand image than visitors.

3. Methodology

3.1. Sample Design and Field Research

This study was focused on a non-experimental context of cross-sectional design, which allowed collecting visitors' and residents' impressions of the image from the perspective of competitive identity (Alaminos & Castejón, 2006; Regalado et al., 2012); the tourist destination taken as a reference was Salcedo, a region in the center of Ecuador that presents a dilated vision of its valley.

The time period and the geographical points for the collection of data were carried out during the 15 days of the month of February, on the Carnival holiday and, in the celebration of the wetlands in Los Llanganates Ecological Reserve, which has an extension of 219,707 hectares between the provinces of Tungurahua, Cotopaxi, Pastaza, and Napo. Its temperature ranges between 3 and 24°C. The Napo and Pastaza river systems originate in its interior; it has an illustrious recognized system of 200 lagoons and is considered one of the most significant wetlands worldwide.

After determining the tourist places, age was used as a filter (people over 18 years old) to select the units of analysis with a non-probabilistic sampling by quotas, calculating the size of the sample by the stratified method of proportional fixation (occurrence = 0.50, confidence level = 95%, precision = 3.98%), and a sample of 261 visitors and 337 residents was established.

Elements of the Visitor's Travel Planning were assessed (City of residence, Repeat visit rate*, Final destination*, Travel group, Length of stay, Type of accommodation**, and Average daily expenses. Reliability: dichotomous variables, KR -20 = -0.865, polytomous variables α = -0.429). To this, Bipolar measures of the Cognitive Component of the Image and the Competitive Identity of the Brand were added. Finally, the Sociodemographic Profile (Age, Sex, Educational level, Current occupation, and Monthly family income) was determined.

The measurement of the cognitive component of the image required a list of 14 bipolar dimensions, represented in 28 states of perception, selecting the ones that best adapted to the tourist destination. The opinion of visitors and residents was collected using a semantic scale with opposite adjectives at each end (Ekinci & Hosany, 2006; Rodríguez et al., 2019).

The measurement of the cognitive component of the image from the perspective of competitive identity among visitors and residents was structured with 14 items. While for the components of competitive identity, it was classified as presence: 4 items, place: 8 items, potential: 4 items, pulse: 5 items, people: 4 items, and prerequisites: 7 items.

3.2. Nature and Scope of Data Validation

For data processing, the PASW statistic 18 software and the SmartPLS 3.0 software were used to analyze the cognitive component of the image from the perspective of the competitive identity of the brand and attributes that characterized the destination. The scope of the measurement was established using the partial least squares regression model and the structural equation model (Bringas & Tourdet, 2016; Rufín et al., 2010).

Items were removed when the loading factor did not predict variance within their respective construct, Carmines y Zeller (cited by Ramírez et al., 2014). To verify the internal validity of the models, those items with a factorial load of less than 0.707 were eliminated (Rufín et al., 2010); but, according to Falk and Miller (cited by Ramírez et al., 2014) items with load values greater than 0.55 could be valid in both cases, meaning that more than 50% of the variance was shared by the construct (Bringas & Tourdet, 2016).

It was confirmed that each indicator within its construct reached a higher cross-load with the items of other constructs (Avkiran & Ringle, 2018; Gómez et al., 2013). This scenario was presented in the models shown in hypothesis 3, where the vast majority of all items achieved correlations greater than 0.707.

However, the exception to this rule was observed in the potential indicator (4) in visitors, which presented a load of 0.671, accepting it as valid to improve the performance of the model. This criterion was also accepted in the presence indicator (4) in the residents, with a load of 0.685 to improve the performance of the latent variables within the structural model.

Reliability was evaluated using Cronbach's alpha, accepting values greater than 0.50, and the reliability of the model was assessed through compound relativity, accepting values greater than 0.80 (Bringas & Tourdet, 2016).

In the internal consistency (convergent validity), values greater than 0.50 were taken according to the average variance extracted from each construct (Bringas & Tourdet, 2016; Ramírez et al., 2014; Rufín et al., 2010). The average variance extracted represented the amount of variance that the latent variable obtained from its indicators in relation to the portion of the measurement error (Avkiran & Ringle, 2018).

To corroborate the difference among the model latent variables, the discriminant validity and the extracted average variance were examined. This was greater than the variance shared between one and the other constructs (Rufín et al., 2010), and when analyzing the cross loads of the constructs, the square root on the diagonal was higher than the correlations of the rest of the latent variables (Bringas & Tourdet, 2016; Gómez et al., 2013; Ramírez et al., 2014).

The path values or desirable relationships were analyzed to evaluate the influence of the independent variable on the independent ones. The minimum acceptable was 0.20 (Ramírez et al., 2014; Rufín et al., 2010), this meant the influence that one variable has on the other, and the positive or negative sign reflected the positive or negative effect of the dimension in the concept formation (Gómez et al., 2013).

Bootstrapping was used to examine the balance of the estimates, and the sample was valued as if it were the population; the values of T-student and the standard error of the parameters were calculated (Avkiran & Ringle, 2018; Ramírez et al., 2014; Sáenz & Tamez, 2014). In addition, the percentage of the variance of the endogenous variable that explained the constructs that predict was explored, using the acceptable value of the explained variance (R2) with a value greater than 0.10 (Bringas & Tourdet, 2016; Ramírez et al., 2014).

Finally, the predictive relevance (Q2) of the constructs was evaluated (Cross Validated Redundancy Index) or the Stone-Geisser test by means of Blindfolding in SmartPLS 3.0; Q2, where the magnitude of the observed values reproduced by the model was shown if Q2 ≥ 0, the model obtained predictive relevance (Martínez, 2014).

4. Results

Given that, the purpose of this work was to analyze the cognitive component of the image of the city from the perspective of competitive identity seen by the visitors and residents of the city of Salcedo-Ecuador. This section was divided into three blocks: a) Quality criteria of the constructs between visitors and residents, b) Correlations of the latent variables between visitors and residents, and c) Hypotheses testing between the models of visitors and residents.

4.1. Quality Criteria of the Constructs between Visitors and Residents

The composite relativity in the constructs of visitors and residents was greater than 0.80 and had internal consistency; the reliability of the scales registers alpha values greater than 0.70, and the reliability of the scales is confirmed. In the average variances extracted, the values were greater than 0.50, revealing convergent validity; the coefficient of determination of the dependent variables (competitive identity of the city brand) shows coefficients greater than 0.10 in visitors, and the validity of the model is accepted.

While, in the residents, there are three variables (power, prerequisites, and presence) that presented determination coefficients lower than 0.10, this fact confirmed that the proportion of the variance of these variables shares the cognitive component of the Salcedo image brand, but its significance is low. Finally, the Path values revealed that the image construct (independent variable) presents positive values greater than 0.20 compared to all the dependent constructs. Therefore, the models have structural validity, and there is a positive relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variables.

4.2. Correlations of Latent Variables between Visitors and Residents

The constructs involved in the models show differences among themselves in the average variance extracted and the correlations between visitors and residents. The constructs people, prerequisites, presence, pulse and image show more significant values in visitors.

While, in the place construct, residents prevail and, in the potential, there are no significant differences in the two groups.

4.3. Hypotheses Testing between the Models of Visitors and Residents

Bootstrapping was used for the hypotheses testing, with an estimation error level of P=0.001. The consistency of the indicators that make up the latent variables of the models was assessed.

4.3.1. Cognitive Component of the Perceived Image and the Dimensions of the Brand's Competitive Identity

H1. There is a positive causal relationship between the cognitive component of Salcedo's perceived image and the dimensions of the brand's competitive identity.

Table 5. Cognitive Component of the Perceived Image and the Dimensions of the Brand's Competitive Identity

Note. β = values path; T = T Student; P = estimation error level; V = visitors; R = residents. Source: Own elaboration.

The values of the Path coefficients of the dependent variables of the visitor and resident models are greater than 0.20 and it was shown that the relationships are consistent. In addition, the P values are lower than the maximum estimation error allowed (0.001) and the predictive relevance Q2 of the dependent constructs of the models calculated by Blindfolding showed values greater than 0.000. Therefore, it is stated that the cognitive component of the image of the city is a predictor of the dimensions of the competitive identity of the brand.

4.3.2. Perceived Image of the City among Residents and Visitors

H2. Residents have a better perception of the perceived image of the city than visitors.

Table 6. Perceived Image of the City among Residents and Visitors

Note: β = values path; T = T Student; P = estimation error level; V = visitors; R = residents. Source: Own elaboration.

The external weights of the indicators of the latent image variable showed that the values are significant and the model is consistent for both groups, presenting error levels lower than 0.001. However, it is deduced that the visitors' model has greater consistency, therefore, the visitors valued the image of the city better than the residents. Therefore, residents do not have a better perception of the perceived image of the city than visitors.

4.3.3. Perception of the Brand Image among Residents and Visitors

H3. Salcedo residents have a better perception of the Salcedo city brand image than visitors

Table 7. Perception of the Salcedo Brand Image among Residents and Visitors

Note. β = values path; T = T Student; P = estimation error level; V = visitors; R = residents. Source: Own elaboration.

The two models show that the perceived image of the residents has a greater incidence on the competitive identity of the brand, being demonstrated in the cross-loads between the items that make up the constructs. In the visitors model, two indicators were presented with values lower than 0.707, Potential 4 (0.662) and Place 3 (0.699). While, in the residents' model, it was observed that three indicators have lower values: Pulse 5 (0.698), Presence 4 (0.677), and People 2 (0.697).

In the correlation coefficients R2 of the dependent constructs of the model, it was observed by the visitors that all the latent variables presented values greater than 0.20, confirming the predictive validity of the model. However, there are three variables in the residents that present values below the minimum acceptable: Potential 0.08; Prerequisites 0.09; and Presence 0.09.

This shows that the residents' model does not present the expected reliability, as well as the dependent variables (competitive identity of the city brand) that make up this model, and the indicators that make up the independent image variable receive part of their variance. Therefore, residents do not have a better perception of the brand image than visitors.

5. Discussion

When studying the tourist image of a destination, perceptions, different and opposite attitudes among visitors and residents are revealed, a position to take into account when proposing promotion strategies (Cardona & Serra, 2015) under the formation of the image of the destination that affects the formation of the city brand.

This scenario is put into context when analyzing the influence of the city image cognitive component on the dimensions of the competitive identity of the brand from the perspective of visitors to the city and its residents, where it is shown that the values of the coefficients of the dependent variables of the visitor and resident models are consistent. That is, the cognitive component of the image of the city is a predictor of the dimensions of the competitive identity of the brand.

Although the image is an internalization of perceptions, and these will not be the same for all individuals (Castillo-Palacio & Castaño-Molina, 2015), this allows us to reject hypothesis two, and it was deduced that it is the visitors to the city who have a more favorable perceived image of the city than the residents. This finding is important at the moment that residents have a lower image of their city than the visitors have.

In the proposed models, it is determined that the cognitive component of the perceived image of the city has a positive influence on the dimensions of the competitive identity of its brand. However, this influence is greater in visitors compared to residents, and hypothesis three was rejected, where it is stated that visitors have a more positive perception of the image of the city brand than the perception of residents.

6. Conclusions

The models revealed that for both cases (visitors and residents), there is a positive and consistent influence of the cognitive component of the perceived image of the city of Salcedo on the dimensions of the competitive identity of its brand. This confirms that the two external models have internal consistency, convergent validity, and discriminant validity.

In the internal model about the nature and consistency of the relationships that occur between the constructs in the two models, the independent variable (the cognitive component) presents values greater than 0.20 together with the dependent variables of the models (dimensions of the competitive identity of the city brand).

This causal and positive relationship between the cognitive component of the image of the city with the six dimensions of the competitive identity of the brand encourages promotion as a fundamental element when projecting the perceived image of the city and designing strategies aimed at establishing a city brand that promotes the city to its target market.

For those residents who feel strongly connected to the city brand and are an important part, they will feel the marketing of the city brand as a socioeconomic benefit and may be ambassadors of the brand, prospecting a positive and attractive behavior of the destination.

The most significant limitation was derived from the fact that there is no reliable record of the number of visitors who come to the city, choosing a non-probabilistic sampling by quotas to select the participants. Finally, among the future investigations that can be derived is the analysis of the relationship between the dimensions of the competitive identity of the Salcedo brand as formative variables of the brand image.


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