Probable Dialogues: Reflections On the Relationship Between Criminal Law and Resentment

Diálogos probables: reflexiones en torno a la relación entre derecho penal y resentimiento

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David Fernando Cruz Gutiérrez


This paper explores the relationship between resentment and criminal law. Resentment is explored through the experience of two people who inhabited two different spaces but who suffered extreme events that marked their existence. Jean Améry, on one hand, who was tortured for the simple fact of been Jew by the Nazi regime in the terrible concentration camp of Auschwitz. And Claudia Ospina, on the other hand, who was raped and psychologically tortured by Colombian paramilitary groups, just because she was a woman who showed knowledge about human rights. Both resentments, at the same time so similar and different, intertwine with different conceptualizations of criminal law trying to value the possibilities of these type of law to alleviate that feeling.



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