Methodology to determine the evolution of the implementation process of the International Financial Reporting Standards: the case of the small and medium businesses of Bogotá

Metodología para determinar la evolución del proceso de implementación de las Normas Internacionales de Información Financiera: el caso de las pymes de Bogotá

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In the midst of an opening economic politics, trade treaties and foreign investment, new changes have emerged in which accounting rules are included, the financial information and the assurance of the information, who now accept the International Financial Reporting Standards. Recognizing the importance attributed to the International Financial Reporting Standards – (small and medium businesses), in this research, a methodological instrument is constructed that, articulated with a diagnostic methodology, allows us to measure the process of evolution that the International Financial Information Standard has had in 44 small and medium businesses in the City of Bogotá. To achieve this objective, the interpretive research approach is used. The results of this investigation show that, although there are conditions for the adoption of this rule in companies, there is a need to increase actions like management sensitization, the implementation schedule and the staff training in this process.



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References (SEE)

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