The Dawn of Criminal Law, Regulation of Punitive Power in the Sumerian, Akk adian and Semite Codes

Los albores del Derecho penal: la regulación del poder punitivo en los códigos sumerios, acadios y semitas

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Ramiro J. García Falconí
Melissa Larenas Cortez


General and special Law, the regulation of the punitive power appeared since the first codings known in the history of mankind, being clear their religious character, their sacrifice logic, and the violence element that permeate to it. This punitive matrix is found in both Sumerian and Akkadian Codes, as in the later Jewish legislation, in which violence and sacredness fuse. The Talion Law already makes its appearance, as well as the structures on which the Inquisitorial System will be later built, and some traits that survive until today.



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References (SEE)

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