Responsibility of the infringing employer: theories of health and safety in Venezuela

Responsabilidad del patrono infractor: teorías sobre seguridad y salud en el trabajo en Venezuela

Main Article Content

Bernavé Andara


This article analyses the responsibility of the employer under the criteria established in the subjective and objective theory. That, in terms of occupational health and safety at work in Venezuela, its foundations, and jurisprudence. This study uses the applied documental and descriptive research methods, concluding that the responsibility of the employer in terms of health and safety at work should unravel from simplistic criteria and combine in real preventive scenarios that guarantee the supra-individual character that represents the life and health of the employee. In that sense, the employer should be a link in the chain of responsibilities and the State should assume its role, projecting interest in the area and transcending the compliance of its responsibility under a strict constitutional mandate.



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Author Biography (SEE)

Bernavé Andara, University of Zulia

Ph.D. in Law with Specialization in Criminal Law and an MLL on Labor Law. He has been a public servant and is a lecturer for the postgraduates programs of The School of Law at the University of Zulia, Venezuela.

References (SEE)

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