Republic of Korea: culture, globalization and social change

La República de Corea: cultura, globalización y cambio social

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Nayelli López Rocha
Andrii Ryzhkov


The Republic of Korea has managed to position itself globally as a fast-developing country with a strong economy, characterized as a diligent actor actively involved in global dynamics. In the last decades it has served as a “model” country under the slogan of having achieved a rapid transformation out of the ashes in order to become a donor country in a short period. Although this transformation is mainly due to the democratization process and the order imposed by the liberalization of world markets, this paper analyzes how the Asian country has faced the process of globalization, focusing mainly on the social structure. The article explores the impact that the integration of the country into the globalization process has had on the Korean society and culture, as well as the social manifestations that currently reveal scenarios of confrontation and conflict between different groups inside the country.



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