Nota del editor
Carta abierta a Biden/Harris
Carta abierta a Biden/Harris
Vistas de resumen 190 | Vistas de PDF 137 | pp. 7-8
Covid-19 y una potencial ola proteccionista: análisis de los efectos de la pandemia y los planes de recuperación de China en el comercio exterior
Covid-19 and a Potential Protectionist Wave: Analysis of the Pandemic Effects and China’s Recovery Plans on International Trade
Vistas de resumen 1210 | Vistas de PDF 971 | pp. 17-31
¿Es viable implementar la renta básica universal en Colombia?
¿Is It Feasible to Implement Universal Basic Income in Colombia?
Vistas de resumen 1103 | Vistas de PDF 1852 | pp. 33-47
The exceptional preventive agreement: legal solution for companies in crisis due to the covid-19 pandemic?
The exceptional preventive agreement: legal solution for companies in crisis due to the covid-19 pandemic?
Vistas de resumen 274 | Vistas de PDF 255 | pp. 49-58
Los retos en la prestación del servicio público de agua potable en la nueva normalidad en Cuenca-Ecuador
Challenges in the Provision of the Public Drinking Water Service in the New Normal in Cuenca-Ecuador
Vistas de resumen 752 | Vistas de PDF 463 | pp. 71-85
¿Soberanía farmacéutica en Colombia?
Pharmaceutical Sovereignty in Colombia?
Vistas de resumen 711 | Vistas de PDF 1235 | pp. 99-112
Some thoughts about barriers to access to a possible vaccine against the covid-19
Some thoughts about barriers to access to a possible vaccine against the covid-19
Vistas de resumen 226 | Vistas de PDF 218 | pp. 113-121
Medidas adoptadas en el sector transporte ante la pandemia del coronavirus covid-19 en Colombia
Measures Adopted in the Transport Sector in the Face of the Covid-19 Pandemic in Colombia
Vistas de resumen 1136 | Vistas de PDF 1169 | pp. 123-138
Redução dos serviços de transporte rodoviário de passageiros e sua reativação na Colômbia durante a pandemia de covid-19
Reduction of Intercity Bus Services and Their Reactivation in Colombia during the Covid-19 Pandemic
Vistas de resumen 257 | Vistas de PDF 215 | pp. 139-149
La covid-19 como una alerta para que el régimen de regulación de los servicios públicos se enfoque en la administración del riesgo y fomente la resiliencia
Covid-19 an Alarm for Utilities Regulation Regime to Focus On Risk Management and To Incentivize Resilience
Vistas de resumen 352 | Vistas de PDF 245 | pp. 151-165
Covid-19 y la suspensión de la relación laboral por contingencia sanitaria en México
Covid-19 Health Contingency and the Suspension of the Employer-Employee Relationship in Mexico
Vistas de resumen 2006 | Vistas de PDF 558 | pp. 167-176