Information For Librarians

The Revist@ E-Mercatoria is an academic publication open to discussion of the main topics of commercial law, including: societies, corporate insolvency, commercial contracts, international trade law, intellectual property, electronic commerce, maritime, competition law and law of consumption. It is a digital journal that is published twice a year: in june and december.

Articles published in the journal will be sent on magnetic media to different databases and systems of indexing for the dissemination of its contents. Articles are available on the website: [], and in the following databases: Latindex, Emerging Sources Citation Index, EBSCO, Cengage Learning, Proquest, Clase, SSRN, Dialnet, REDIB, Latam-Studies, HeinOnline and Open Journal System.

The Revist@ E-Mercatoria is committed to meet and raise the general standards of academic quality. For this reason, prior to publication, all articles will undergo a rigorous double blind evaluation process. The selection and publication of the texts must not depend of the theoretical conception or point of view or the methodology. Only shall be taken into account quality, rigour and the implied rules of all academic work, giving preference to the unpublished documents relating to the broad panorama of commercial law.

The evaluation begins once the editorial coordination receives the articles. The evaluation is a process of feedback and constructive criticism. This is overtaken by two anonymous referees of the most recognized academic suitability, and takes three months, approximately. The referees will not have conflict of interest with the authors and their works. They should acknowledge the understanding of the journal´s international standards of scientific publication, especially regarding the control of plagiarism and the process of peer review, and accept the privacy statement. After this period, the journal sends to the authors the decisions and comments of the reviewers, who may suggest not to publish the text, publish it as is, or publish it after include some changes. The Editorial Committee issued the final decision with regard to the publication of the articles. This decision shall be communicated to the email address supplied by the author.

When forwarding  work  on  magnetic media, the author must clearly state: i) if agrees with the Editorial Policy of the Revist@ E-Mercatoria of the Universidad Externado de Colombia; ii) whether the article has ever been published, and iii) that the article is not in the selection process of another academic journal or publication. 

The presentation and publication of articles implies no cost whatsoever to the authors. The journal is committed to international standards of scientific publication. It follows the guidelines of the 2nd World Conference on Research Integrity, Singapore, July 22-24, 2010:

for authors can be found in:

The language of publication is Spanish, but texts can be included in other languages. Articles and other correspondence should be sent to David Ricardo Sotomonte Mujica, Calle 12 No. 1-17 este, of. A 306, Department of Commercial Law, Bogotá (Colombia), or by e-mail to: []. 

The articles must be submitted on magnetic medium in format .doc (Word), spacing and font Times New Roman size 12. Articles must not exceed 12.000 words. The title of the document should appear in Spanish and English. The name of the author should have a foot note at foot with a summary of the resume, the institutional affiliation, the country of origin and the contact email address. Also, it must have a summary of maximum 200 words in Spanish and English, with its key words. 

Articles must be unpublished. However, it is possible to publish contributions which have previously been edited, but that due to their scientific significance, accessibility, innovation level or relevance to current affairs have special applications in the Colombian legal-penal system. When forwarding work on magnetic media, the author must clearly state: i) if agrees with the Editorial Policy of the journal; ii) whether the article has ever been published, and iii) that the article is not in the selection process of another academic journal or publication.

The journal requires the author’s approval, through a license of use, for editing, publication, reproduction, distribution and public communication of its work in physical and digital format, for exclusively scientific, cultural and non-profit purposes. Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication, which will be licensed with Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike. The reproduction of documents in other printed or electronic media must include an acknowledgement of the authorship of the work and its initial publication, as set forth in the license. The authors may disclose their documents in any repository or website. Immediately after its publication, the articles will be indexed and archived electronically for future reference and access.  

The Revist@ E-Mercatoria uses the Chicago Manual of Style, number 15, Humanities Style version, for the bibliographic references. Two abbreviations are used in order to show the differences between the citation in footnotes (N) and in the bibliographical references (B): 


Of a sigle author:

N-Name Surname (s) Full title (City: Publisher, year), pp.

B-Surname (s), Name. Full title. City: Publisher, year.

Two authors:

N-Name Surname (s) and Name Surname (s) Full title (City: Publisher, year), pp.

B-Surname (s), Name, and Name Surname (s). Full title. City: Publisher, year. 

Four or more authors:

N-Name Surname (s) et al. Full title (City: Publisher, year), pp.

B-Surname (s), Name, Name Surname (s), Name Surname (s) and Name Surname (s). Full title. City: Publisher, year. 

Book Article:

N-Name Surname (s), Title of article, full title, eds. Name Surname (s) and Name Surname (s) (City: Publisher, year), pp.

B-Surname (s), Name. Article title. In Full title, published by Full Name (s) and Name Surname (s). City: Publisher, year, pp. 

Journal Article:

N-Name Surname (s), article title, journal title Vol: No (Year): pp.

B-Surname (s), Name. Article title. Journal Title Vol: No (Year): pp. 


N-Name Surname (s), Title thesis (undergraduate thesis / PhD / MA, University, year), pp.

B-Surname (s) Name Title thesis. Thesis, University, year. 

Internet Publications:

N-Name Surname (s) and Name Surname (s), eds., Full title (City: Publisher, year), (date accessed).

B-Surname (s), Name, and Name Surname (s), eds. Full title. City: Publisher, year. http: / / 

Note: it is allow to use ibíd., ibídem, op. cit.

Note: the references should appear at the end of the article in alphabetical order and this should include full references of all the works used in the article.