The Geostrategic, Techno-Nationalist Push Into Space
The Geostrategic, Techno-Nationalist Push Into Space
Vistas de resumen 1047 | Vistas de PDF 524 | pp. 9-22
Some Observations on Outer Space from Earth and Some Observations on Earth from Outer Space
Some Observations on Outer Space from Earth and Some Observations on Earth from Outer Space
Vistas de resumen 559 | Vistas de PDF 358 | pp. 23-35
The Importance of the United Nations Guidelines for the Long-Term Sustainability of Space Activities and Other International Initiatives to Promote Space Sustainability
The Importance of the United Nations Guidelines for the Long-Term Sustainability of Space Activities and Other International Initiatives to Promote Space Sustainability
Vistas de resumen 1118 | Vistas de PDF 544 | pp. 37-53
Implicancias jurídicas de las aplicaciones de la tecnología espacial para el cambio climático mundial
Implicancias jurídicas de las aplicaciones de la tecnología espacial para el cambio climático mundial
Vistas de resumen 508 | Vistas de PDF 477 | pp. 55-80
Transatlantic Cooperation in Space: Eu-Canada Free Trade Agreement
Transatlantic Cooperation in Space: Eu-Canada Free Trade Agreement
Vistas de resumen 1430 | Vistas de PDF 540 | pp. 81-94
Asymmetric Warfare: A State vs Non-State Conflict
Asymmetric Warfare: A State vs Non-State Conflict
Vistas de resumen 2944 | Vistas de PDF 3426 | pp. 97-111
Clara Irazábal (ed.) (2014). Transbordering Latin Americas: Liminal places, cultures and powers (t)here. New York: Routledge
Clara Irazábal (ed.) (2014). Transbordering Latin Americas: Liminal places, cultures and powers (t)here. New York: Routledge
Vistas de resumen 348 | Vistas de PDF 296 | pp. 139-142