Sotavento MBA Magazine (ISSN printed: 0123-3734; ISSN digital: 2346-2175) is an academic publication of the Faculty of Business Administration of the Externado University of Colombia, which is governed by principles of plurality, tolerance and theoretical rigor and methodological Within this framework, it accepts the work of researchers from different public and private institutions.

Likewise, as a means of disseminating the academic production of the Faculty of Business Administration, it includes research results from the researchers of the affiliated Centers and the postgraduate students of the programs. Additionally, it seeks to guarantee that the research carried out and the knowledge derived therefrom impacts, on the one hand, the curricular management of the training programs and, on the other hand, the managerial practice of the Colombian and Latin American companies.

The journal is registered in the following databases: Latindex, EBSCO, Cengage Learning, Dialnet, Latam-Studies, DOAJ, SSRN and the Open Journal System. In addition, the articles can be consulted free of charge on the website: [].


Carlos Alberto Restrepo Rivillas

Summary views 351 | PDF views 356 | pp. 6-8

Labor Satisfaction: A Perspective of Endomarketing, Case Hotel Sector of Manta, Ecuador
Satisfacción Laboral: Una Perspectiva de Endomarketing, Caso Sector Hotelero de Manta, Ecuador

Rossanna Kimena Arteaga Flores, Temístocles Deodato Loor Chávez, Xiomara Madelaine Palma Pérez, José Calixto Calderón Bailón

Summary views 778 | PDF views 500 | pp. 10-19

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