The relation between international mobility and the modern prejudice of Spaniards toward the immigrant collective in Spain

Relación entre movilidad internacional y prejuicio moderno de españoles hacia el colectivo inmigrante en España

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Mariana Carmona Vescance


Although international migration has increased in volume during the last decades, prejudice against immigrants is still present in contemporary societies. In the present article, we study transnational human capital and modern prejudice in Spain. The sample consists of 255 Spaniards (born in Spain) that were living in Spain at the moment of the survey. The age range of the sample is between 18 and 63 years (M = 33,24; SD = 9,38) and 58,4% of them are women. The sample is non-probabilistic and was taken through the Internet. To study the relationship between transnational human capital and modern prejudice, we created a survey with closed questions to measure mobility effects. To measure modern prejudice, we used the instrument created by Pettigrew and Meertens (1995) and adapted by Frias- Navarro (2009) to the Spanish population. The statistics analysis was done by correlations and anova. The results show that the more mobility effects, the more (and better) contact with immigrants, and also lower levels of prejudice. The implications of the study are that the measure of the scale of mobility effects is an appropriate instrument to study the relationship between international mobility and modern prejudice, based on the properties, structure and correlates of that scale.



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