Public Procurement Between the Caribbean Countries and the Archipelago of San Andres, Providence and Saint Kethlena

Poblik Prokyorment Between dih Karibyan Kontry Dem ahn dih Archipelago a San Andres, Pravidens ahn Kethlena

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This paper aims to highlight the opportunity presented by CARICOM for the Archipelago of San Andres, Providence and Kethlena in Public Procurement, leveraging the common cultural, historical and economycal features with the member states that facilitate the approchement between the Archipelago and the member countries of CARICOM. Though CARICOM still have a long way to go, it is important to begin to consider it as a game changer for the Caribbean economy, as it can also be for our islands and, especially, for its public entities. This work first examines the Chaguaramas Treaty and ends with the challenges that Public Procurement tackle in the Caribbean region and what it means for the Archipelago.



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References (SEE)

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