Inversión en intangibles y estrategia competitiva: una extensión del modelo de Cournot
Investment in intangibles and competitive strategy: an extension of the Cournot model
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En la creciente literatura sobre capital intangible hay un consenso relativo sobre su papel: las firmas dedican recursos a producirlo para obtener ventajas competitivas. Este artículo presenta un modelo en el que las firmas compiten à la Cournot, el cual explora los incentivos de las firmas para aumentar el nivel de capital intangible y muestra que si una firma es suficientemente productiva en la creación de capital intangible puede obtener mayores beneficios que sus competidores y poder de mercado aun en competencia perfecta.
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Referencias (VER)
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Andonova, V. y Ruiz, G. (2016). The role of industry factors and intangible assets in company performance in Colombia. Journal of Business Research, 69(10), 4377-4384.
Arthur Andersen y Co. (1992). The valuation of intangible assets. Reporte especial P254. Londres: Economist Intelligence Unit.
Baily, M. y Hall, R. (2002). Intangible assets: Computers and organizational capital. Comments and discussion. Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 1, 182-198.
Ballot, G.; Fakhfakh, F. et al. (2002). Who benefits from training and I&D: The firm or the workers? A study of panels of French and Swedish firms. ERC working papers in Economics, 2(1), 1-30.
Banco Mundial. (2006). Where is the wealth of nations? Measuring capital for the 21st Century. Washington: The World Bank.
Becker, B. y Pain, N. (2003). What determines industrial R&D expenditure in the UK? National Institute of Economic and Social Research, 76(1), 1-34.
Becker, G. S. (1983) El capital humano. Un análisis teórico y empírico referido fundamentalmente a la educación [1975]. Madrid: Alianza Editorial.
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Bergen, D. y Schaaf, S. (2006). Investment spending down again in 2003. Web Magazine, [].
Brynjolfsson, E.; Hitt, L. et al. (2002). Intangible assets: Computers and organizational capital. Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 1, 137-181.
Caballero, R. (1998). Aggregate investment. J. Taylor y M. Woodford (eds.), Handbook of Macroeconomics (pp. 814-862). Amsterdan: North Holland.
Cañibano, L.; García, M. et al. (1999). The value relevance and managerial implications of intangibles: A literature review. Proyecto Meritum. 4-57.
Chun, H. et al. (2015). Do intangibles contribute to productivity growth in East Asian countries? Evidence from Japan and Korea. RIETI discussion paper 15E(055).
Church, J. y Ware, R. (2000). Industrial organization. A strategic approach. Singapur: McGraw Hill.
Coase, R. (1937). The nature of the firm. Economica, 16(4), 386-405.
Coen, R. y Eisner, R. (1987). Investment. J. Eatwell et al. (eds.), The New Palgrave: A dictionary of economics (pp. 981-985). Londres: Macmillan.
Corrado, C.; Hulten, C. et al. (2006). Intangible capital and economic growth. NBER working paper, 11948.
David, P. (2004). The tale of two traverses. Innovation and accumulation in the first two centuries of US economic growth. Stanford University 05(22), 1-77.
Dixit, A. (1979). A model of duopoly suggesting a theory of entry barriers. The Bell Journal of Economics, 10(1), 20-32.
Dixit, A. The role of investment in entry-deterrence. The Economic Journal, 90(357), 95-106.
Ducharme, L. (1999). Introduction: Main theories and concepts. OECD Measuring intangible investment paper 1.
Fukao, K.; Hamagata, S. et al. (2007). Intangible investment in Japan: Measurement and contribution to economic growth. RIETI discussion paper series 07E(034).
Golec, J. y Gupta, N. (2014). Do investments in intangible customer assets affect firm value? Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 54(4), 513-520.
Hall, R.; Cummins, J. et al. (2000). E-Capital: The link between the stock market and the labor market in the 1990s. Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 2000(2), 73-118.
Hall, R. (2001). The stock market and capital accumulation. American Economic Review, 91(5), 1185-1202.
Hennings, K. (1987). Capital as a factor of production. J. Eatwell et al. (eds.), The New Palgrave: A dictionary of economics (pp. 327-332). Londres: Macmillan.
Iversen, E. y Kaloudis, A. (2003). IP valuation as a tool to sustain innovation. SINTEF Step Report, 17(03).
Jehle, G. y Reny, P. (2001). Advanced microeconomic theory. Boston: Addison Wesley.
Johanson, U. (2000). Characteristics of intangibles – Proposals generated from literature and experienced Swedish firms, Proyecto Meritum.
Johnson, G. y Scholes, K. (2001). Dirección estratégica. Madrid: Prentice Hall.
Lev, B. (2003). Remarks on the measurement, valuation and reporting on intangible assets. Federal Reserve Bank of New York Economic Policy Review, 9(3), 17-22.
Lorente, J. (2000). Inversión en intangibles y creación de valor en la industria manufacturera española. Economía Industrial, (332), 109-123.
Lynch, L. y Black, S. (1995). Beyond the incidence of training: Evidence from a national employer’s survey. National Bureau of Economic Research, (5231), 2-32.
Maitlan, J. conde de Lauderdale. (1804). An inquiry into the nature and origin of public wealth. Londres: Archibald Constable & Co.
Mankiw, G. (2006). Intangible investment. [].
McGrattan, E. y Prescott, E. (2010). Unmeasured investment and the 1990’s US hour boom. Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, (369), 1-49.
Mincer, J. (1989). Human capital. Responses to technological change in the labour market. NBER working paper 3207.
Nakamura, L. (1999). Intangibles: What put the new in the new economy? Business Review. Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, julio-agosto, 3-16.
Nakamura L. (2001). What is the US gross investment in intangibles? (At least) one trillion dollars a year! Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, 01(15), 2-41.
Nicholson, W. (1972). Microeconomic theory. Basic principles and extensions. Chicago: Dryden Press.
Nicholson, W. (2001). Microeconomía intermedia y sus aplicaciones. Bogotá: McGraw Hill.
OCDE. (1999). National efforts to measure intangible investment. OECD Measuring intangible investment paper 5.
OCDE. (2012). Corporate reporting of intangible assets: A progress report. [].
O’Mahony, M. y Vecchi, M. (2002). Do intangible investments affect companies’ productivity performance? National Institute of Economic and Social Research, Londres.
Peneder, M. (2002). Intangible investment and human resources. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 12(1-2), 107-134.
Porter, M. (1986). Estrategia competitiva. México DF: Compañía Editorial Continental.
Robinson, W. y Chiang, J. (1996). Are Sutton predictions robust? Empirical insights into advertising, R&D and concentration. Journal of Industrial Economics, 4(44), 389-408.
Rodríguez C., A. y Araújo de la M., A. (2002). Algunas consideraciones en la valoración del capital intelectual. L. Batz y F. Cossio (eds.), The limits of the firm (pp. 427-435). Paris.
Romer, P. (1990). Endogenous technological change. Journal of Political Economy, 98(5), 71-102.
Romer, D. (2001). Advanced macroeconomics. Nueva York: McGraw Hill.
Sachs, J. y Larraín, F. (1994). Macroeconomía en la economía global. México DF: Prentice Hall.
Shy, O. (1996). Industrial organization. Theory and applications. Cambridge: MIT Press.
Singh, N. y Vives, X. (1984). Price and quantity competition in a differentiated duopoly. RAND Journal of Economics, 4(15), 546-554.
Slywotzky, A.; Wise, R. y Weber, K. (2004). Cómo crecer cuando los mercados no crecen. Bogotá: Norma.
Sutton, J. (1996). Sunk costs and market structure. Cambridge: MIT Press.
Tasi, L. y Yen, D. (2012). Determinants of intangible assets value: The data mining approach. Knowledge-Based Systems, 31, 66-77.
Tirole, J. (2002). The theory of industrial organization. Cambridge: MIT Press.
Uchitelle, L. (2006). Seizing intangibles for the GDP. New York Times
Varian, H. (1992). Análisis microeconómico. Barcelona: Antoni Bosch.
Veblen, T. (1908). On the nature of capital: Investment, intangible assets, and the pecuniary magnate. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 23(1), 104-136.
Vosselman, W. (1999). Initial guidelines for the collection and comparison of data on intangible investment. OECD Measuring intangible investment paper 4.
Webster, E. (1999). The growth of enterprise intangible investment. Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, working paper 9.
Webster, E. (2002). Intangible and intellectual capital: A review of the literature. Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, working paper 10.
Webster, E. (2006). Investment in intangible capital: An enterprise perspective. The Economic Record, 82(256), 82-96.
Young. A. (1999). Towards an interim statistical framework: Selecting the core components of intangible investment. OECD Measuring intangible investment paper 3.