ODEON (ISSN impreso: 1794-1113; ISSN digital: 2346-2140) is the annual publication of the Observatory of Economy and Numerical Operations, of the Faculty of Finance, Government and International Relations of the Universidad Externado of Colombia. Since 2004, it is intended to promote the study of the problems rased by the development of the economy and finance. ODEON is a space for the dissemination of the work of research teams of the University and of the different groups that make up the scientific community, who from the theoretical reflection and observation of phenomena relating to the development of finance, can contribute to nurture and open discussions that bring elements to the knowledge of the economy and finance. It also encourages the exchange of views between its authors and readers through the publication of the notes that are sent to its Editorial Board.The circulation of this journal is open to all readers engaged in the study and research of the economy.
Current Issue | No. 26 (2024): Enero-Junio