ICA: Tributación de los servicios de salud (no POS) prestados por las EPS e IPS
ICA: Taxation of Health Services (Not POS) Provided by EPS and IPS
Vistas de resumen 1370 | Vistas de PDF 451 | pp. 23-29
Constitucionalidad de los artículos 178 y 180 de la Ley 1607 de 2012
Constitutionality of Articles 178 and 180 of Law 1607 of 2012
Vistas de resumen 128 | Vistas de PDF 82 | pp. 73-83
La trascendencia del tránsito y el transporte multimodal en la codificación aduanera
The importance of transit and multimodal transport in the customs regulation
Vistas de resumen 275 | Vistas de PDF 188 | pp. 85-105
El hecho imponible y el hecho generador del tributo: utilidad práctica y teórica de su escisión
The Economic Taxable Event and the Legal Tax Base: Distinction and Practical and Theoretical Usefulness
Vistas de resumen 2269 | Vistas de PDF 464 | pp. 107-127
La responsabilidad del administrador en hipótesis de inexactitud tributaria
Liability of the Administrator in Hypothesis of Tax Inaccuracy
Vistas de resumen 351 | Vistas de PDF 191 | pp. 129-160
Back-to-Back withholding loan rules and their anti-treaty shopping effect in Canada
Back-to-Back withholding loan rules and their anti-treaty shopping effect in Canada
Vistas de resumen 260 | Vistas de PDF 193 | pp. 161-183
Colombian Tax Bill – Significant Economic Presence
Colombian Tax Bill – Significant Economic Presence
Vistas de resumen 389 | Vistas de PDF 169 | pp. 185-201
Aplicación del régimen ECE en Colombia para las personas jurídicas
Application of the ECE Regime in Colombia for Legal Entities
Vistas de resumen 3397 | Vistas de PDF 559 | pp. 203-225
Proveedores ficticios y su régimen sancionatorio tributario en Colombia
Fictitious Suppliers and their Tax Penalty Regime in Colombia
Vistas de resumen 1072 | Vistas de PDF 512 | pp. 227-249
From the Tax Base Erosion to the Tax Sovereignty Shifting from States to OECD/Inclusive Framework
From the Tax Base Erosion to the Tax Sovereignty Shifting from States to OECD/Inclusive Framework
Vistas de resumen 304 | Vistas de PDF 146 | pp. 285-297