Evaluation of Factors Hindering Participation in Leisure and Recreational Activities in Tourism Destinations
Evaluation of Factors Hindering Participation in Leisure and Recreational Activities in Tourism Destinations
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The aim of this study is to determine the factors that hinder participation in leisure and recreational activities in tourist destinations. Within this framework, an attempt was made to reach out to the local residents living in the Sinop destination and determine their opinions through a prepared questionnaire. During the data collection process, a total of 431 questionnaires were collected using the convenience sampling method. The collected data were analyzed using appropriate statistical programs. As a result of the analysis, it was determined that the local residents consider time restraints, transportation problems, inadequacy of facilities, individual psychology, lack of companionship and lack of information as obstacles to their participation in leisure and recreational activities. It was found that the majority of local residents have 6-10 hours of leisure time per week, sometimes find it difficult to use their leisure time, and spend most of their leisure time participating in household activities and social events. The majority of the participants in the study consider the recreational facilities of the Sinop destination to be partially sufficient, use the recreational facilities of their destination for 1-5 hours per week, and spend most of their leisure time outside the destination. In addition, the results of the analysis were interpreted within the framework of theoretical and practical contributions, and some recommendations were made for the industry and future research.
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