The "Revista de Derecho Privado" (ISSN impreso: 0123-4366; ISSN digital: 2346-2442) is a semi-annual publication that compiles the results of the investigative efforts, researches and articles written by professors and jurists from national and foreign universities, that are of interest to the legal community. The journal touches on subjects of private law, with special consideration to its development within the traditional roman domain, in order to make evident the contrasts and similarities between the Latin American and European legal systems, without overlooking, of course, the required confrontation, which today is a must, with the so-called the Anglo-American law.
The purpose of the journal is to encourage debates within the legal science and promote dialog among legal sources; due to its determination to address issues from a comparative law perspective, the journal has international applications also with the objective to promote debates among scholars of diverse fields.
The journal, available to the scientific and academic community (teachers, researchers and students) and members of the legal practice (lawyers, judges, public servants, and legal professions in general), is addressed to all legal professionals who, either from the point of view of theory or practice, seek to deepen their knowledge of Private Law, starting from its romanist foundations and arriving to the identification of an own Latin American system which can be compared with the European system and even with the common law systems.
Current Issue | No. 48 (2025): Enero-Junio
Forum- Minors and the Use of Technology: Legal Protection and Personal Rights
Digital Technologies and Children’s Rights: Balancing Control, Protection, and Consent
Digital Technologies and Children’s Rights: Balancing Control, Protection, and Consent
Summary views 25 | PDF views 46 | pp. 19-45
Digital Transformation and e-Citizenship. Children’s Access to Online Services
Digital Transformation and e-Citizenship. Children’s Access to Online Services
Summary views 25 | PDF views 38 | pp. 69-86
TikTok: A Legal Perspective on the Digital Environment, Highly Accessed by Minors
TikTok: A Legal Perspective on the Digital Environment, Highly Accessed by Minors
Summary views 35 | PDF views 79 | pp. 87-116
Teoría del derecho
Personalized Law: Origins, Definition, and Current Debates
El derecho personalizado: orígenes, definición y debates actuales
Summary views 36 | PDF views 30 | pp. 119-153
Family law
Contracts law
Derecho de Autor
Books off the Shelf & the Problem of Copyright Term Extension: Empirical Analysis of Books Written by Literature Nobel Prize Authors
Books off the Shelf & the Problem of Copyright Term Extension: Empirical Analysis of Books Written by Literature Nobel Prize Authors
Summary views 23 | PDF views 50 | pp. 225-255