Forum- Minors and the Use of Technology: Legal Protection and Personal Rights
Digital Technologies and Children’s Rights: Balancing Control, Protection, and Consent
Digital Technologies and Children’s Rights: Balancing Control, Protection, and Consent
Vistas de resumen 21 | Vistas de PDF 31 | pp. 19-45
La Carta española de Derechos Digitales y los derechos humanos de los niños, niñas y adolescentes
The Spanish Charter of Digital Rights and the Human Rights of Children and Adolescents
Vistas de resumen 30 | Vistas de PDF 19 | pp. 47-68
Digital Transformation and e-Citizenship. Children’s Access to Online Services
Digital Transformation and e-Citizenship. Children’s Access to Online Services
Vistas de resumen 23 | Vistas de PDF 28 | pp. 69-86
TikTok: A Legal Perspective on the Digital Environment, Highly Accessed by Minors
TikTok: A Legal Perspective on the Digital Environment, Highly Accessed by Minors
Vistas de resumen 32 | Vistas de PDF 57 | pp. 87-116
Teoría del derecho
El derecho personalizado: orígenes, definición y debates actuales
Personalized Law: Origins, Definition, and Current Debates
Vistas de resumen 32 | Vistas de PDF 24 | pp. 119-153
Derecho de familia
Derecho de contratos
La rebaja del precio como remedio general por incumplimiento contractual en el derecho civil chileno
Price reduction as general remedy for breach of contract in Chilean Civil Law
Vistas de resumen 20 | Vistas de PDF 32 | pp. 191-222
Derecho de Autor
Books off the Shelf & the Problem of Copyright Term Extension: Empirical Analysis of Books Written by Literature Nobel Prize Authors
Books off the Shelf & the Problem of Copyright Term Extension: Empirical Analysis of Books Written by Literature Nobel Prize Authors
Vistas de resumen 21 | Vistas de PDF 44 | pp. 225-255
Derecho Societario
Un análisis jurídico sobre la intelección de los stakeholders en el derecho societario chileno
A Legal Analysis on the Understanding of Stakeholders in Chilean Corporate Law
Vistas de resumen 47 | Vistas de PDF 144 | pp. 259-292
Derecho internacional privado
Conflict of Laws Characterization of Product Guarantee in Europe, with Special Emphasis on Hungarian Law
Conflict of Laws Characterization of Product Guarantee in Europe, with Special Emphasis on Hungarian Law
Vistas de resumen 54 | Vistas de PDF 47 | pp. 295-311